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The link between food and brain power
For a long time, we’ve made the connection between the food that we eat and the way that we look, the health of our hearts and the...

The Lifelong Pursuit of Learning: A Fountain of Youth for Your Mind
If you thought your learning days were over, you were wrong - check out this blog and find out why it could be the secret to your youth!

Men’s Health Week - should we be worried about digital dementia?
Last week was Men’s Health Week focusing on "Men's Health and the Internet". Immediately we picture of ourselves or our partners sitting...

Summer plans: post-pandemic planning
Have you planned many events since the pandemic? Be it a big celebration, a holiday or even catching up with an old group of friends. Or...

Can brain-training clear-up brain fog
In collaboration with Antwerp University Hospital, our team at MyCognition, including Martina Ratto - Beingwell’s cognitive scientist -...

The power of group thinking
Imagine all of our brains thinking together. Two minds are greater than one, right? But we are used to imagining our thinking as...

The link between food and brainpower
Jenny Tschiesche, the Lunchbox Doctor, explains what to eat to stay mentally sharp and focused.

Uncovering high performance: nature or nurture?
When it comes to performance, are people born talented? Martina Ratto, Cognitive Scientist, explores...

Can we REALLY multitask?
Martina Ratto, Cognitive Scientist and brain boffin', explores whether we can actually multitask or not.

Has evolution made our brains lazy?
Our lazy brain comes courtesy of our ancestors who aimed to do less to increase survival.

Rashomon effect: Can we trust our memory?
How is it possible for people to remember the same event entirely differently? Martina Ratto explains.

Thinking about thinking
One thing that makes the human mind quite unique is our ability to think about thinking...

Navigating complexity in a world brimming with info
Our brains need to process more and more every day at high speed, just to keep up with the world.

Left versus right brain: facts and myths
Is the right side of our brain responsible for numbers and the left for creativity? Martina Ratto explores...

Identifying automatic thoughts and reframing
Grace McMahon, life coach, explores automatic thoughts and how we can identify and reframe them.

Navigating our brains negativity bias
Our tendency to focus on the negative is an innate human habit. How can we change this?

Food for thought - eating for our brains
Whether on jollies in Bridlington or the Mediterranean, we can find plenty of delicious food to...

New Alzheimer's research - a solution or just a patch?
Is the new Alzheimer’s drug all it’s cracked up to be? Martina Ratto, Cognitive Scientist, explores...

How does our brain actually think?
We’ve all got one, a lump of grey squidgy matter, housed in our heads. But how, exactly, does it work?

How to prevent dementia. Yes, really!
This week it’s Dementia Action Week and Anna Sandford-James, expert in cognitive decline...
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