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The link between food and brain power
For a long time, we’ve made the connection between the food that we eat and the way that we look, the health of our hearts and the...

The link between food and brainpower
Jenny Tschiesche, the Lunchbox Doctor, explains what to eat to stay mentally sharp and focused.

Your guide to glowing skin!
Shhhh. Daniel O’Shaughnessy, the Naked Nutritionist, shares the secrets to glowing skin…

Irritable Bowel Syndrome - what exactly is it?
Daniel O'Shaughnessy, the Naked Nutritionist, explores IBS and what might be causing it...

New year diet? It's not WHAT you eat, but HOW you eat
New years resolution to eat healthier? Jenny Tschiesche, the Lunchbox Doctor, shares her wisdom...

Why do we keep failing at diets?
We know the drill. New year, new me! Holiday, friend’s wedding, looming work presentation. By X date I will reach my goal weight. And we...

5 factors why you still have cravings
Daniel, the Naked Nutritionist, shares why we might be craving certain foods and what to do...

Introducing Daniel, the Naked Nutritionist
A massive Beingwell welcome to Daniel O'Shaughnessy, the Naked Nutritionist! We're delighted

How to beat the middle-age spread
Jenny Tschiesche, the Lunchbox Doctor, shares her top tips for beating the middle-age spread.

Introducing Jenny, the Lunchbox Doctor
Beingwell are over-the-moon, wee-in-our-pants, OTT, excited to be working with Jenny Tschiesche.

Healthy eating habits
One of the reasons we can feel like we’re failing when it comes to healthy eating is because...

Is dairy bad for us? The milky, cheesy truth!
When it comes to food and health, there's nothing quite as controversial or divisive as dairy...

What do butterflies, poo, and mental health have in common?
Sam Ntatalika explores the mind-gut connection and how we can keep it in tip-top balance.

Yogi Bear has nothing on us. Picnic like a pro!
Happy picnicking! How to pack a Yogi worthy picnic in celebration of National Picnic Month.

The art of mindful eating
What on earth is mindful eating and why might we be persuaded to give it a go? Grace McMahon explains.
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