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The link between food and brain power
For a long time, we’ve made the connection between the food that we eat and the way that we look, the health of our hearts and the...

The link between food and brainpower
Jenny Tschiesche, the Lunchbox Doctor, explains what to eat to stay mentally sharp and focused.

COVID and beyond - a nutritional strategy
We asked Jenny, the Lunchbox Doctor, how nutrition can support those of us with long COVID.

New year diet? It's not WHAT you eat, but HOW you eat
New years resolution to eat healthier? Jenny Tschiesche, the Lunchbox Doctor, shares her wisdom...

How to beat the middle-age spread
Jenny Tschiesche, the Lunchbox Doctor, shares her top tips for beating the middle-age spread.

Introducing Jenny, the Lunchbox Doctor
Beingwell are over-the-moon, wee-in-our-pants, OTT, excited to be working with Jenny Tschiesche.
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