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Are we being encouraged to seek the right support?
Wellbeing advice often tells us to seek support, with someone we trust, a professional, our friends and family. We need support networks...

Going to therapy: here’s what to expect
Therapy has definitely become a lot more socially accepted, so many of us might be leaning towards the idea if we need some extra...

Protecting your mental health on social media
Social media has been berated in the headlines, there’s been lots of concern about the safety and our use of social media and it might...

Men’s mental health: breaking barriers to therapy
Let’s first start by saying this does apply to all people, despite gender - mental health issues don’t discriminate and anyone is...

How to stay active during a depressive episode
Exercising consistently is tough in itself, we’re not going to lie. But trying to stay (or just be!) active when we’re struggling...

Is social media bad for us?
With social media use on the rise, Grace McMahon, Life Coach, shares how to stay safe and sane.

Breaking the stigma around medication for mental health
Grace, our Chief Life Coach, shares her thoughts about #postyourpill on social media.

Mental health - what are we aiming for?
Today is World Mental Health Day and we asked Grace McMahon, what mental health is and why...

World Suicide Prevention Day
This week is World Suicide Prevention Day and one of our family members shares their experience.

Does being LGBTQIA+ mean I’m destined to be depressed?
Whilst mental illnesses can affect anyone, the LGBTQIA+ community experience more.

Why is a sense of purpose important for our wellbeing?
Trying to figure out the meaning of life, can quickly send us into an existential tailspin...

Schizophrenia myth bust
Schizophrenia is widely misunderstood, and the many misbeliefs build stigma. We bust the myths!

5 ways to reduce stress and anxiety
Grace McMahon, Beingwell's Life Coach, shares her top tips for reducing stress and anxiety.

Juice cleanses, vaginal steaming, and activated charcoal
Really!? What has wellbeing become? There seems to be a tonne of contradictory advice...

How to get the most from an appointment with the GP
Talking to a doctor about our mental health can feel daunting - like turning up to a job interview.

What is mental health?
Happy World Wellbeing Week! We know that mental health is important, but what exactly is it?

Why we’re so impressed with Naomi Osaka
Workplace wellbeing is a hot topic. Grace McMahon, Life Coach, talks about Naomi Osaka...

Am I sad or do I have depression?
Sadness is a perfectly normal emotion that everyone will experience from time to time, but...

Starting a conversation about mental health
When it comes to talking about our mental wellbeing, opening up can feel daunting and difficult.

Bipolar explained - World Bipolar Day 30th March
1.3 million people in the UK have bipolar. That's 1 in 50 people! But, what is bipolar disorder?
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